In Search of the Lost Andesine Mines | Part 1 | Hunting Barack Osama in Tibet
The subject of andesine in Tibet has been one of controversy since 2008. This article examines the history of the issue, along with detailing an October 2010 visit to the Tibetan andesine deposit.
Lao Sapphires | Laos – Land of a Million Elephants... & Sapphires
The history of the Lao sapphire mines at Ban Huay Xai is detailed, along with modern mining by Hong Kong based Sino Resources Mining Corp. Ltd. from 2006–2012.
Mogok Geology Primer | Rock Talk
A look at the geology of Myanmar's Mogok Stone Tract, home to pigeon's blood rubies and so much more…
Ruby & Sapphire Books | Collecting the Literature of Corundum | Hidden Treasure
A discussion of the literature of ruby and sapphire (corundum), with particular emphasis on the most collectible books covering ruby and sapphire around the world.
Ruby and Spinel in Tajikistan | Moon Over the Pamirs
A 2006 mission to remote ruby and spinel localities in Tajikistan.
Sorcerers & Sapphires | A Visit to Madagascar
In search of ruby and sapphire on the lost Isle of Madagascar.
Tanzanite Mines of Merelani | Working the Blueseam
An over-and-underground look at the tanzanite mines of Merelani, Tanzania, where the First World meets the Third, and graphite-covered miners pull glittering blue gems from black earth.
The Last Thai Ruby Miner | Red Sky at Dusk
In search of Thailand's last ruby miner.