Inside each gemstone lies a hidden world that has been encapsulated for millions of years. Join Billie Hughes for a journey into the inner world of gems, as seen through the microscope.
Journey to the Center of the Gem with Lotus Gemology's Billie Hughes
Inside each gemstone lies a hidden world that has been encapsulated for millions of years. Join Billie Hughes for a journey into the inner world of gems, as seen through the microscope. The presentation will review the use of gemological microscopy to observe and record inclusions. Billie will discuss the most suitable lighting conditions for a variety of scenarios and share a few microscopy tips. She will also provide an overview of Lotus Gemology’s Hyperion inclusion database and display memorable and educational inclusion images. This will be a rewarding event for anyone with a passion for gems and the wonderful scenes that they hold inside.
Wednesday, 6th February 2019, 13:00–14:00
AGTA Gemfair, Tucson Convention Center
Tucson, AZ (USA)